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Sometimes 'self care' isn't pretty

'Sometimes self care is flossing your teeth', I thought to myself last night as I was standing at the bathroom sink, flossing my teeth. I had definitely fallen off the wagon with my flossing, and it felt good to do it. Perhaps more important, though, was the way I was viewing it - not as some dreaded task on my to-do list, but as something I was doing to take care of myself. Dedicating some time in my evening routine to put myself first. Which may sound silly, and yes, there are WAY more fun things I could have been doing, but in that moment, flossing was my self-care.

It was also fairly early, and since I'd had a long day I decided to go to bed earlier than I typically do. Another act of self care. There's this 'main character energy' idea that's been floating around online recently, and to be honest, I think that's one of the things that's been a bit lacking in my life, especially this past year. Family stress, house stress and health stress have taken up a lot of my time, energy and attention, and I've kind of let myself get buried underneath all of it. I think I'm slowly starting to crawl out from underneath it all, and I'm excited to bring more main character energy into my life. Sometimes it'll take the form of flossing my teeth, and other times it'll be something even more exciting, haha. I can't wait to see what comes to pass.


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